Run, Sister, Run!

Amanda Moreno wrote a beautiful article in Issue #3 about why finding your WHY can help you during your running journey and that you can have more then one WHY. Amanda also talks about how we can come up with excuses because why are scared that we are going to fail which I know that I am guilty of myself. To be honest I am really not able to give Amanda’s story the justice that it deserves as she writes about a few different topics including the loss of her sister. Her article served a reminded to me that I am lucky that I can run as there are so many out in the world that would love to feel the joy of running.

Introduce yourself! Who are you and how would you describe yourself?

Amanda Moreno and I would describe myself as a multidimensional woman: Mom, wife, middle school teacher, runner, yogi, lifter, cyclist, mom-bod model

 What inspired you to agree to becoming a contributor to Run Your Life Magazine?

Run Your Life magazine is a safe space for ALL runners. I truly believe in the vision of the magazine because at one point I didn’t believe I could call myself a runner, and a magazine like Run Your Life is exactly what I needed to inspire me! 

 How would you summarize the takeaway of your article?

The takeaway of my article should be to have a focus for your journey.  Someone is always inspiring you to push forward in life and in running. 

Has anything changed for you since writing your article?

Since I wrote my article, my mother has also passed. It’s been difficult to have now both my sister and my mother pass away, but I’m still pushing. I’ve also been sidelined from running because of an injury since August 2013, but I’ve been gentle and patient with my recovery. I’ve recently started the race scene again, so I’m very excited to see what my body is going to do in the next few months because I already see a huge improvement because I kept lifting while I was recovering. 

Do you have any new advice or takeaways for the Run Your Life community?

The takeaways from the Run Your Life community is that we need to continue to be inclusive to all runners because we all have a starting place!! Running isn’t just for the fastest and fittest. Everyone deserves a seat at the table!! 

Thank you Amanda for the reminder that we all have a starting place, and it’s going to look different for all of us. The biggest part is that we need to just start! Don’t worry about how fast you are or if you’re not as good at what you want to start as you were hoping, just start your journey!

You can find Amanda’s story in Issue #3


I am Sarah Baldwin and I am A RUNNER.


Eyes on Your Own Mat