Eyes on Your Own Mat

Robin Carver writes a beautiful story in Issue #1 about how comparing yourself to others is not helpful to you, and can actually can be harmful to yourself. Robin goes to write that by focusing on herself instead of others, she found that she was starting to see more improvements not only in her yoga practice but at work too!

Robin just before starting a 10k at Kansas City

Introduce yourself! Who are you and how would you describe yourself?

I don't know how to introduce myself.  I should build an elevator pitch about myself.  I'm Robin and I run SLOWLY!  I started running in 2015.  I prefer road over trail, but you can catch me out on the rocky and hilly Ozark trails from time to time.  I don't have any credentials, just a lot of experiences.  

What inspired you to agree to becoming a contributor to Run Your Life Magazine?

I wasn't necessarily looking to be a contributor per se.  I just wanted to write about my own experiences and how hard the mental game can be, especially if you are not a typical athlete.  I also just love writing.  And I hope that what I wrote helped one person keep going.   

How would you summarize the takeaway of your article?

The big take away I wanted to get across was that your only competition should be yourself. We are programmed to compare ourselves to other people all the time and internalize what makes us different and how to close the gap between us and them.  It should be about yourself, your own goals and appreciating your body and how far your body can take you. 

Has anything changed for you since writing your article?

I've really been focusing on my mental health more these days.  I am enjoying slower pace these and finding movement that my body enjoys.  But I still have upcoming races in my calendar.  

 Do you have any new advice or takeaways for the Run Your Life community?

Don't be afraid to try something new.  Anything from a new work out, to a new recipe, a new restaurant, a new vacation spot.  Stepping out of your comfort zone doesn't have to be about taking huge, scary leaps.  It can be small steps and little, fun adventures.

Thank you so much Robin, for sharing with us! I for sure am still learning to appreciate my body and how far it has taken me and will be taking me. If you would like to read Robin’s article you will find her story and so many other wonderful stories in Issue #1.


Run, Sister, Run!


Why It’s Not About The Run